Crit Juice: Dungeons, Dragons, Drinking
A podcast and video series following professional actors & comedians playing Dungeons & Dragons while under the influence.
Episode 047: Critmas Comes Early For Cook

WARNING: This podcast is intended for a mature audience

The Critmas spirit is upon us as the Crit Juice boys start the session heavily intoxicated from a #PREGAME #TEAMEXTREME where Wolf and Gralford went head to head. Now they must find a way to escape the Lich's Dungeon, but not before Gub grabs some toilet readings...


(This episode brought to you by: MacLeod Ale!) 

Starring: Daniel AckerMatt BuchholtzTom FonssBrian McGrath, Matt Cook, and Gary M Soldati

DM'd By: David Crennen



Help Crit Juice keep rolling, and DONATE!

Direct download: Episode_047.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 9:41am PST

Episode 046: I've... Had... The Fight of My Life...

WARNING: This podcast is intended for a mature audience

We're not sure what we expected when we went into a lich's dungeon, but we're getting rolled. It could be the delicious beer, or it could be Doc's inability to heal. But this fight is INTENSE! Baston gets even more #swoll and Daniel Acker makes more puns than you'll know what to do with!

(This episode brought to you by: MacLeod Ale!) 

 Special Guest: IVAN VAN NORMAN!

Starring: Daniel AckerMatt BuchholtzTom FonssBrian McGrath

DM'd By: David Crennen



Help Crit Juice keep rolling, and DONATE!

Direct download: Episode_046.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:30pm PST