Crit Juice: Dungeons, Dragons, Drinking
A podcast and video series following professional actors & comedians playing Dungeons & Dragons while under the influence.
Episode 040: The Beatles Row Row Row the Boats

WARNING: This podcast is intended for a mature audience

This will be the 40th episode of Crit Juice to grace your ears, and we've come such a long way. Arience, once prince now a king seeks to win the hand of a princess and the respect of his subjects. Wolf, once alone, finds himself part of a pack. And Gralford... still does the same amount of damage he did 39 episodes ago. But will the Shadowfell prove to be the Shadow-fall of our heroes? Only one way to find out...

(This episode brought to you by: Magic Hat!) 


Starring: Daniel AckerMatt BuchholtzTom FonssBrian McGrath, and Gary M Soldati

DM'd By: David Crennen


Help Crit Juice keep rolling, and DONATE!

Direct download: Episode_040.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 3:10pm PST

WARNING: This podcast is intended for a mature audience

In this episode, we find our adventurers sent on another quest by the elf,Il Muir. Will they blindly follow his lead, or will they branch out on their own as they edge closer to the Eternal Forest. Also, with Dar'Jjeeki obsessed with chomping on a blade of grass, will Arience make his move and finally say those three magic words? (Not "Casting Magic Missile)

(This episode brought to you by: Magic Hat!) 


Starring: Daniel AckerMatt BuchholtzTom FonssBrian McGrath, and Gary M Soldati

DM'd By: David Crennen


Help Crit Juice keep rolling, and DONATE!

Direct download: Episode_039.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 11:46am PST