Crit Juice: Dungeons, Dragons, Drinking
A podcast and video series following professional actors & comedians playing Dungeons & Dragons while under the influence.
Episode 049: Royal Rumble

We might just all be kings as our adventurers take on the Arch-Fey of Rot. The boys are back and this time, it's Dealer's Choice as they've each brought in some of their favorite beers. With The Federation of the Fey on its heels, it's up to our heroes to restore some semblance to the land of magic.


Starring: Daniel AckerMatt BuchholtzTom FonssBrian McGrathMatt Cook, and Gary M Soldati

DM'd By: David Crennen

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Direct download: Episode_049.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 10:17am PST

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