Crit Juice: Dungeons, Dragons, Drinking
A podcast and video series following professional actors & comedians playing Dungeons & Dragons while under the influence.
Episode 021: Gralford's Voice Revealed

We've hit paragon, and we're ready to PARTY! 
Gary finds Gralford's voice, Cook is on a burn-marathon, and there might even be some unexpected romance as the group meets with the nefarious Red Cloaks in a decimated Blazestone!  

(This episode brought to you by: Magic Hat!) 


Starring: Daniel AckerMatt BuchholtzMatt CookTom FonssBrian McGrath, and Gary M Soldati
DM'd By:
 David Crennen

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Direct download: Episode_021.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 9:23am PST